Our response to the COVID-19 outbreak

冠状病毒(COVID-19)已被世界卫生组织列为大流行. A pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease. 它对人们的日常生活和企业的运作方式产生了重大影响.

Mitie非常重视保持客户运营的绩效和连续性. To do so, 我们正在采取一系列措施来保护我们的人民,以便他们反过来, can protect our customers’ people, and keep their businesses running smoothly.

In line with our Risk and Resilience procedures, 我们已经建立了一个国家关键事件小组(CIT)来评估和减轻个人的风险, 并在发生破坏时进行协调和应对.

In regular contact with the UK Cabinet Office, CIT负责确保沟通并采取所有必要的预防措施,以保护Mitie的每个人和我们所澳博官方网站的客户.

COVID-19大流行是一项重大挑战,但齐心协力, we are rising to it and will undoubtedly overcome.


After the disruption of COVID-19, organisations must coordinate an efficient, 为重新开放设施提供安全和充分支持的过程.

Mitie have produced a ‘Getting Britain Back to Business’ 该指南列出了您的组织安全返回工作岗位所需采取的步骤, productively and efficiently. It aims to provide a measured, coordinated approach, to mitigate risk, to increase resilience and to improve efficiency.

Find out more

Our commitment to customers

关键事件小组(CIT) Mitie已成立,包括来自清洁部门的高级管理人员, Security, Risk, Engineering, Energy and Landscaping operations, 以及我们的内部基础设施和运营团队.

Together, 他们评估和减轻与COVID-19爆发相关的风险,并制定应急措施,以确保我们的客户正常运营.

For instance, 我们的能源团队正在与客户合作,为入住率意外波动的建筑物优化电力使用. 我们的技术澳博官方网站团队正在调整维护制度和空调政策. And all the time, 我们的专业清洁行动正在采取措施,以确保每天在英国各地通过我们维护的建筑物的500万人的安全.

虽然COVID-19疫情的情况不断变化, our resolve and commitment remains unchanged. We will always use all our knowledge, 经验和资源,以最大限度地提高安全性,并尽量减少对客户的干扰. We will maintain constant communication, 提供最新建议,并在应对COVID-19疫情时保持警惕和敏捷.

Mitie技术澳博官方网站部制定了一系列旨在防止COVID-19在建筑物中传播的实用措施 find out more >

如果您对COVID-19以及Mitie如何努力减轻其影响有任何担忧, 请不要犹豫,联系您在Mitie的客户主管.


Find out more >

Safeguarding colleagues

Mitie是英国领先的设施管理澳博官方网站提供商. 我们为整个英国的许多行业提供广泛的澳博官方网站, but we cannot do so without our people. Their safety is paramount.

我们已经做了大量的工作来确保同事的安全,并使我们能够在这个充满挑战的时刻继续支持我们的客户和他们的工作场所. 我们一直保持着沟通,到目前为止:

  • 创建了一个专门的24/7监控邮箱,供员工提问.
  • Instructed those who can work from home to do so.

In regular contact with the UK Cabinet Office, 我们的紧急事件小组正在不断审查程序,并每天发布新的指导和更新.

More information for Mitie colleagues is available here >

Supporting the supply chain

Mitie认识到COVID-19的爆发正在影响所有企业, including those of its valued suppliers.

我们共同面对当前的挑战,因此创建了一个实时供应商更新门户, through which our suppliers provide daily updates. Categorised as red, for immediate impact; Amber for medium-term impact, and green for no impact, 最新情况为特派团的行动小组提供了规划活动所需的基本信息, mitigate risk and keep customers informed.

该门户网站还为Mitie提供了分享与不断变化的情况有关的每日预测和更新的手段, so our supply chain remains in sync.

定期与供应商分享最新情况,并与供应商合作, 米蒂已经准备好应对不断变化的形势.

If you are a supplier to Mitie, please access the update portal here >


Mitie在维护关键基础设施方面的作用是至关重要的. From energy to hazardous waste, critical asset maintenance to cleaning, and security to gritting, the services we provide help keep the UK running. 在这个充满挑战的时代,我们从未像现在这样敏捷.

Find out more >

About COVID-19 and what you can do to help

COVID-19是冠状病毒大家族中的一种新菌株. Signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

采取预防措施不仅是为了避免感染,也是至关重要的, but to avoid passing the infection on to other people.

经常洗手,尤其是在旅行后,每次至少洗手20秒. 普通肥皂可以很好地清洁——除非没有肥皂,否则你不需要使用洗手液.

  • 咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾捂住口鼻,或用手肘捂住口鼻.
  • 把用过的纸巾直接扔进垃圾桶,然后再洗手.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose or mouth.
  • 避免与任何有呼吸道疾病症状(如咳嗽和打喷嚏)的人密切接触.

If you start showing the symptoms yourself, 尽快将自己与他人隔离是很重要的. 即使你的症状很轻微,你也应该继续隔离.

If your symptoms worsen, 例如,你呼吸困难, you should contact 111 immediately.

Other information about COVID-19

英国公共卫生部:冠状病毒(COVID-19) -你需要知道的:

